Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Ornithological Society of the Middle East -- Research Grants

The OSME's Conservation and Research Fund makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. Grants average about £500. Submission deadlines are 31 January; 31 May; and 30 September of each year. 

American Society of Primatologists (ASP) -- Conservation Grants and Awards 2015

ASP supports students and young researchers from habitat countries who are engaged in primate conservation. (i) The Conservation Small Grants of up to US$1,500 support conservation research or related projects, including conservation education. (ii) The Conservation Award of US$750 recognizes students and young investigators in habitat countries who demonstrate potential for making significant and continuing contributions to primate conservation. Applications for grants will be accepted 01 through 31 January 2015; nominations for the awards need to be submitted by 31 March 2015. 

World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) -- Prince Bernhard Scholarships for Nature Conservation 2015

WWF supports professional training and formal studies of individuals working in disciplines directly relevant to nature conservation. Eligibility extends to mid-career nationals from Africa; Asia and Pacific; Latin America and Caribbean; Eastern Europe; and the Middle East -- including WWF staff, or candidates working as partners with WWF. The maximum grant is CHF 10 thousand for studies or training lasting one year or less. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 11 January 2015. 

Explorers Club -- Grants for Student Exploration and Field Research 2015

The Explorers Club makes grants to students for international field projects, including projects focusing on environment and natural resources. The Youth Activity Fund is for high school students and university undergraduates. The Exploration Fund is for graduate and post-graduate students, including early-career post-doctoral students. There are no nationality restrictions. Grants in both categories range from US$500 to US$5,000. The application deadline is 01 November 2014. http://www.explorers.org/index.php/expeditions/funding/expedition_grants

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) -- MAIZE Competitive Grants 2014

The CGIAR's MAIZE research program announces eleven priority topics in research and capacity building to advance maize-based farming systems in the developing world.  Grants in this third call for proposals will range from US$20 thousand to US$200 thousand, varying by topic. Eligibility for funding extends to qualified scientists worldwide. The  deadline for concept notes is 17 October 2014.  

European Graduate School in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EGA-ABG) -- Funding for PhD Projects 2015

The EGA-ABG is comprised of four European institutions of higher education to train current and future generations of animal breeders. The program announces six funded PhDs to start in September 2015, including research specific for the developing world. Applicants should have a masters degree in animal breeding and genetics, and proficiency in English. The application deadline is 30 November 2014. 

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) -- Ecosystem Services and Agricultural Development in the Volta and Niger Basins

The CGIAR's program on Water, Land, and Ecosystems will fund research that addresses ecosystem services and agricultural development in the Volta and Niger Basins.  The Volta-Niger Program aims to restore and bolster opportunities for increased agricultural productivity through key ecosystem services, especially in the resource-poor and fragile northern part of the region (in Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Ghana, and Nigeria).  Agriculture in this call for proposals includes crop production, raising livestock, and agro-forestry. The maximum grant per project is US$700 thousand for two years.  The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is 03 October 2014. 

Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) -- Research on Sustainable Mariculture in the Western Indian Ocean

WIOMSA calls for research proposals on “Mariculture Growth for Income Generation, Employment, and Food Security in the Western Indian Ocean Region." Grants will support (i) An institutional framework for sustainable mariculture development, and (ii) Sustainable mariculture technologies. Proposals can be submitted by an institution, or a consortium of institutions, led by a scientist in the Western Indian Ocean region. Grants are up to US$250 thousand over two years for framework development, and up to US$450 thousand over three years for mariculture technologies. Matching funds of at least 20% are required. The deadline for submitting full proposals is 08 October 2014. 

Wuppertal Institute, Sustainable Energy Project Support (SEPS) -- Renewable Energy in Asian Food Value Chains

SEPS is looking for project concepts that demonstrate how to apply small-scale renewable energy technologies to improve the productivity, environmental performance, and social integration of food value chains in Asia. The eligible countries are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. Additionally, SEPS will support exchange activities that can strengthen the capabilities of practitioners and local organizations working in the field of applied renewable energy technologies in food value chains. The application deadline is 29 October 2014. 

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research -- Graduate Studies in Germany on Water Management 2015

Germany's Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) offers graduate research grants on themes of water management for qualified young scientists from Cambodia, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. Financial support is available for 31 months in masters programs, and 43 months in doctoral programs. The deadline for applications is 14 November 2014. 

UK Royal Society -- Newton Advanced Fellowships for the Natural Sciences

Newton Advanced Fellowships provide established international researchers with an opportunity to develop the research strengths and capabilities of their research group through training, collaboration, and reciprocal visits with a partner in the UK. This award is currently available to international early-career group leaders in Brazil, China, Mexico, South Africa, and Turkey for awards of up to three years across the natural sciences.   The application deadline is 22 October 2014.  

Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Japan International Collaboration Agency (JICA) -- Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development

The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) in collaboration with the Japan International Collaboration Agency (JICA) call for proposals for the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS).  Thematic research areas are environment/energy, bio-resources, and disaster prevention and mitigation.  Researchers external to Japan should consult their national government agency responsible for ODA technical cooperation, the Embassy of Japan, or JICA offices in their resident countries. The deadline for proposals is 27 October 2014.  

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) -- International Postdoctoral Fellows

JAMSTEC has created a new international postdoctoral fellowship program to help young researchers develop their scientific excellence in ocean and earth sciences.  Applicants are expected to conduct scientific work independently on a research topic of their own proposing, or to proceed with research in collaboration with JAMSTEC staff.  Persons of any nationality and either gender are encouraged to apply.  The closing date for applications is 05 November 2014.  

Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC) and U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) -- Research and Training in Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth)

The goal of GEOHealth is to support institutions in developing countries that will serve as regional hubs for collaborative research, data management, training, curriculum and outreach material development, and policy support around environmental and occupational health threats. Themes include health related to agriculture; health related to climate change; health related to air quality; and others The geographical scope of the program is East Asia and the Pacific; Latin America and the Caribbean; the Middle East and North Africa; South Asia; and Sub-Saharan Africa.  Grants are up to US$600 thousand per year for five years.  The deadline for letters of intent (not mandatory) is 19 October 2014. The deadline for applications is 19 November 2014.  

European Union -- ERANet-LAC Research Cooperation for Europe with Latin America and the Caribbean

ERANet-LAC announces its first joint call on research and innovation with the participation of 20 organizations in Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The themes of the call include biodiversity assessment and monitoring; screening for bioactive metabolites and enzymes; small-scale biorefineries; zero-carbon energy systems for heating and cooling; and others (related to health).  Proposals need to involve at least four partners from four countries.  The deadline for proposals is 27 November 2014 (except for Brazil, 17 October 2014).  

Heinrich Böll Foundation -- University Studies in Germany 2015

The Heinrich Böll Foundation annually funds approximately 1,000 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students across all subjects and nationalities for university studies in Germany. Preference is for applicants working in the subject areas of the Foundation such as climate and energy, resource governance, and ecology and green development (among others). The geographical scope (but not exclusive) for international students is Central and Eastern Europe; EU neighborhood countries and the CIS; the Middle East and North Africa; transition and newly industrialized countries; and conflict regions worldwide. Applicants should be capable in German language. The deadline for international applications (i.e., from outside Germany) is 01 March of each year.  

Eppley Foundation for Research -- Grants for Research in Environmental Topics

The Eppley Foundation supports advanced scientific research by scientists and medical doctors with established records of publications in their specialties. These specialties include endangered animals and ecosystems; climate change; and others. Past grants include examples related to conservation and ecology in Africa, China, and elsewhere. Grants may be awarded for research internationally when applicants are based in the USA, or are associated with U.S. institutions that will administer the grants. Most grants are under US$25 thousand.  The deadlines for letters of inquiry are 15 March and 15 September.

Global Development Network (GDN) -- Research on Natural Wealth Accounting in Morocco, Mauritius, and Madagascar

With financial support from the government of France, the GDN invites applications for research on natural resource management and natural wealth accounting in Morocco, Mauritius, and Madagascar.  Applications are restricted to researchers who are permanent residents of developing countries, although research teams can have collaborators in developed countries.  GDN intends to provide two or three grants, up to a maximum of US$20 thousand per grant.  The deadline for applications (French, English) is 30 September 2014.  

Schlumberger Foundation -- Funding for Women in PhD and Post-Doctoral Studies 2015-2016

Schlumberger Foundation's “Faculty of the Future” supports women in developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD and post-doctoral studies at the international level. Grants are in the physical sciences, engineering, and related fields -- including past grants in subjects such as ecology and environment. The deadline for applications is 14 November 2014. 

Aspen Institute -- New Voices Fellowship 2015

The New Voices Fellowship is a year-long program in media skills, communication, and leadership for top development professionals in the developing world.  Fellows are expected to have both a record of significant professional achievement and a desire to share their perspectives on global development with a broader international audience.  The Aspen Institute aims to select 12 fellows who will write opinion articles, participate in interviews with local and international media, and speak at international conferences.  Applications are welcome from all developing countries.  The deadline for nominations is 15 November 2014. 

Australia Awards for Africa -- Scholarships and Fellowships for Africans 2015

Australia Awards funds qualified African candidates for masters studies in Australia in priority subjects that include agriculture and food security; natural resource management (including mining and mining governance); public policy; health; and water and sanitation. Additionally, the program offers short-term fellowships for professional training in Africa and/or Australia.  The announcement identifies the eligible countries and application deadlines, most of which are 12 December 2014 or 16 January 2015 -- verify for your country.  

Harvard University -- Environmental Fellows 2015

Harvard University's Center for the Environment will award approximately six fellowships for the 2015 cohort. The Environmental Fellows work for two years with Harvard faculty members in any school or department. Candidates with a doctorate or equivalent in any field are eligible, and they may propose research projects in any discipline.  Applicants without a PhD may apply if they have studied in fields where the Ph.D. is not the typical terminal degree. Candidates may have received their degrees at any university in the world.  The Center strongly encourages applications from women and minorities. The application deadline is 14 January 2015.  

East-West Center -- Fellowships for Graduate Students

The East-West Center provides graduate students from Asia, the Pacific, and the USA with funding for up to two years for masters and doctoral studies. Participants engage in the educational, residential, and leadership development programs at the East-West Center while pursuing graduate study at the University of Hawai‘i. The university's graduate programs include ecology and conservation; biology and marine biology; tropical plant and soil sciences; ocean policy; and several other disciplines related to environmental sciences. The deadline for applications is 03 November 2014. 

East-West Center -- Asia Pacific Leadership Program 2015-2016

The APLP invites professionals from Asia-Pacific countries to apply for a 9-month program of leadership training and professional development on emerging issues facing the Asia-Pacific region. Inter-disciplinary interests at the East-West Center include climate change, land use, water and energy demands, etc., -- among other social and environmental themes. Fellowships of US$15 thousand cover the majority of costs. Applicants who request funding should complete their applications by the priority deadline of 01 December 2014. 

UK Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) -- Commonwealth Scholarships 2015

The UK Department for International Development (DFID) funds the Commonwealth Scholarships for master’s and PhD studies in the UK for citizens of developing Commonwealth countries. Approximately 300 scholarships are awarded annually across all subjects, with priority for applications that demonstrate strong relevance to development.  There is a nominating agency for Commonwealth Scholarships in each Commonwealth country, with contact details provided in the announcement.  Inquiries about the scholarships should be directed to this agency.  The application deadline is 03 December 2014. 

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) -- Young Scientists Summer Program 2015

IIASA invites doctoral students worldwide to participate in its Young Scientists Summer Program held at IIASA's headquarters in Laxenburg, Austria. The selected participants work with IIASA’s senior scientists in research on energy, ecosystem services, water, risk policy and vulnerability, and other topics. Scholarships are available from IIASA's national member organizations. A limited number of scholarships are available from other sources. The application period is 01 October 2014 through 12 January 2015. 

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation -- International Climate Protection Fellowships

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers 20 fellowships for young climate experts from developing countries interested in conducting a project in Germany and pursuing long-term collaboration.  The fellowship allows future leaders to spend a year in Germany working on a research-based project of their own choice in the field of climate protection. Fellows choose their own hosts.  The fellowship includes intensive language training and an orientation program at the introduction.  The deadline for applications is 15 March 2015. 

Monday, 15 September 2014

Dear Friends
UNICEF has initiated a project which plans to bring about behavioural change in sanitation practices of people around the country, particularly with regard to open defecation and menstrual hygiene practices.  Statistics show that every 1.2 seconds a child dies of unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices in India. Around 50 per cent of India’s cases of maternal and childhood under-nutrition are also because of unsafe WASH practices.
However, studies show that increase in infrastructure will not solve the problem unless there is behavioural change.
UNICEF’s strategy is based on the insight that faith based leaders have a greater chance of influencing behaviours than other entities including government and non-religious non-governmental  institutions. Consequently there is a plan to use this influence in bring about such mind-set change among the large percentage of people in the country who still indulge in unsafe hygienic practices.
My husband, Mr. Josantony Joseph, has been tasked with doing a quick mapping of major religious leaders across the country. It also involves mapping local religious leaders/centres in sampled districts along the Ganga corridor.
As the mapping has to be done in September/October itself, he is looking for those who can give him information of the following kind:
a)         Any contacts in the Ganga corridor who could help in identifying local religious leaders/centres during the field visits that will take place in the Ganga corridor in the second half of September, 2014 (starting from Sept. 10, 2014)
And / or
b)      Any information about important religious leaders in any faith across India thatyou know of (their names, contact details, geographical locations, degree and kind of religious influence)
Any information you can share would be highly appreciated. You can respond either to my own email address or his. These are
Dr. Helen Joseph : helenjoseph111@yahoo.com
Mr. Josantony Joseph: josantonyjoseph@gmail.com

Monday, 3 March 2014

Science PG: Fast Publication

Dear Professor,
Science Publishing Group is an independent international publisher of 100+ open access, online, peer-reviewed journals which have almost 10 proposed special issues and 10 going-to-be-published books, covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
Nowadays, we are actively providing a fast publication:
1.         Authors can get the review result that whether the paper can be published or not within 15 days;
2.         Accepted papers can be published within 25 days.
Science PG publish papers in a wide range of categories, such as: Biology and Life Sciences, Physics; Chemistry & Materials; Computer Science & Communications; Mathematics & Statistics; Medicine, Health & Food Science; Energy & Environmental Science and all other categories. You can pay visit to our website to have a look: http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/home/index.aspx
If you are interested in publishing your papers within a short time, we sincerely invite you to submit your papers through our system: http://submission.sciencepublishinggroup.com/login.aspx

Any questions, please feel free to contact us by: service@sciencepublishinggroup.com

UGC-Capacity-Bldg Genetically Modified Crops - National seminar at Kerala Agricultural University

Dear All
Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Kerala Agricultural University is organizing a national seminar on 'GM Crops: Issues and Prospects' during March 17-18 2014. More than 15 renown scientists from the leading national institutes will be delivering the lead speeches. This will be a unique opportunity to understand the status of the art of genetic engineering in India.
The seminar circular is attached for your reference. Kindly register for the same and submit your abstracts of research/ concepts at the earliest. Abstracts are welcome till 28th February 2014.
Thanks and Regards
Dr. Seeja Thomachan Panjikkaran
Assistant Professor (Food & Nutrition)
KVK (Kerala Agricultural University)
KAU Post, Thrissur, Kerala State - 680 656

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Dear Professor/Researcher,
American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT) is proposing new promotional event - "1st publication = AASCIT Member" to attract more members. All authors who publish their papers in AASCIT journals for the first time would have a chance to become AASCIT Member. for more information,
Please visit: 

Being a member of AASCIT, you can
1.Enjoy a great discount for AASCIT publication services.
2.Distribute at least five pieces of personal achievements per membership year on   AASCIT columns, such as AASCIT News or Focus free of charge.
3.Have a chance to get AASCIT Communications for one membership year free of charge and publish at most five papers freely in AASCIT Communications.
4.Keep technically current.
5.Obtain professional mentoring and networking opportunities.
6.Get professional recognition.
7.Gain ongoing professional development.

AASCIT will publish AASCIT communications. Join AASCIT membership, you can publish the report/ introduction of projects you were part of and your personal opinion/idea/understanding of your research field. You can also publish the new results or trend in your research field. All the publications in AASCIT communications will be free.
Being an AASCIT member, you will get more benefits than you can think. Any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best wishes,

American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT)

Dear Colleague(s)
 International Journal [Impact Factor 2.089]   ISSN: 2249-9598
Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Journal for-All Subjects      
Bi-Monthly refereed and Indexed Open Access E-Journal

International Journal [Impact Factor 1.958] ISSN: 2277-2456
International Educational E-Journal
Journal for-Education & Physical Education                                                       
Quarterly refereed and Indexed Open Access E-Journal

International Journal [Impact Factor 1.864] ISSN: 2277-727X
Lokavishkar International E-Journal
Journal for-All Subjects      
Quarterly Refereed and Indexed Open Access E-Journal 

International Journal
International Journal of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology (IJMSB)
Journal for- Medical Sciences and Biotechnology     
A Double Review Monthly Published Journal

We are glad to inform that Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal Jan-Feb 2014 issue has been released and it has been well received by the academic/scientific fraternity.
 In this regard, , I would like to thank all the contributors/well wishers of our journals and cordially invite Research Papers for Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, International Journal of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology (IJMSB), International Educational E-Journal & Lokavishkar International E-Journal.
Please send us the following documents on or before 15th Feb 2014 for our next issue.                                                                                                               
1)  Research Paper (MS Word file)
2) Copyright Form/Declaration Form duly sign by all the authors
 To view the Current Issues click link below:
 If you wish to publish Research Paper, send us your paper on editoroiirj@gmail.com and we will publish it in our forthcoming issue
 May I request you to circulate this email/attachment among your colleagues, peers & friends for the contribution to OIIRJ, IJMSB, IEE-J, LIE-J.