Sunday, 9 February 2014

Dear Professor/Researcher,
American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT) is proposing new promotional event - "1st publication = AASCIT Member" to attract more members. All authors who publish their papers in AASCIT journals for the first time would have a chance to become AASCIT Member. for more information,
Please visit: 

Being a member of AASCIT, you can
1.Enjoy a great discount for AASCIT publication services.
2.Distribute at least five pieces of personal achievements per membership year on   AASCIT columns, such as AASCIT News or Focus free of charge.
3.Have a chance to get AASCIT Communications for one membership year free of charge and publish at most five papers freely in AASCIT Communications.
4.Keep technically current.
5.Obtain professional mentoring and networking opportunities.
6.Get professional recognition.
7.Gain ongoing professional development.

AASCIT will publish AASCIT communications. Join AASCIT membership, you can publish the report/ introduction of projects you were part of and your personal opinion/idea/understanding of your research field. You can also publish the new results or trend in your research field. All the publications in AASCIT communications will be free.
Being an AASCIT member, you will get more benefits than you can think. Any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best wishes,

American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT)

Dear Colleague(s)
 International Journal [Impact Factor 2.089]   ISSN: 2249-9598
Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Journal for-All Subjects      
Bi-Monthly refereed and Indexed Open Access E-Journal

International Journal [Impact Factor 1.958] ISSN: 2277-2456
International Educational E-Journal
Journal for-Education & Physical Education                                                       
Quarterly refereed and Indexed Open Access E-Journal

International Journal [Impact Factor 1.864] ISSN: 2277-727X
Lokavishkar International E-Journal
Journal for-All Subjects      
Quarterly Refereed and Indexed Open Access E-Journal 

International Journal
International Journal of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology (IJMSB)
Journal for- Medical Sciences and Biotechnology     
A Double Review Monthly Published Journal

We are glad to inform that Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal Jan-Feb 2014 issue has been released and it has been well received by the academic/scientific fraternity.
 In this regard, , I would like to thank all the contributors/well wishers of our journals and cordially invite Research Papers for Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, International Journal of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology (IJMSB), International Educational E-Journal & Lokavishkar International E-Journal.
Please send us the following documents on or before 15th Feb 2014 for our next issue.                                                                                                               
1)  Research Paper (MS Word file)
2) Copyright Form/Declaration Form duly sign by all the authors
 To view the Current Issues click link below:
 If you wish to publish Research Paper, send us your paper on and we will publish it in our forthcoming issue
 May I request you to circulate this email/attachment among your colleagues, peers & friends for the contribution to OIIRJ, IJMSB, IEE-J, LIE-J.

Dear Professor,

Science Publishing Group is an independent international publisher of 100+ open access, online, peer-reviewed journals which have almost 10 proposed special issues and 10 going-to-be-published books, covering a wide range of academic disciplines.

Nowadays, we are actively providing a fast publication:
1. Authors can get the review result that whether the paper can be published or not within 15 days;
2. Accepted papers can be published within 25 days.

SciencePG publish papers in a wide range of categories, such as: Biology and Life Sciences, Physics; Chemistry & Materials; Computer Science & Communications; Mathematics & Statistics; Medicine, Health & Food Science; Energy & Environmental Science and all other categories. You can pay visit to our website to have a look:

If you are interested in publishing your papers within a short time, we sincerely invite you to submit your papers through our system:

Any questions, please feel free to contact us by:

Notification of Refresher Course in Gender Studies

Dear All

A Refresher Course in Gender Studies is scheduled at Academic Staff College, University of Calicut from 18th February to 10th March 2014. It is an interdisciplinary course which is recognised by the UGC as equivalent to Refresher course in any other discipline. Those interested can get the application form from the website of the University

Dear All,
Warm Greeting from Women’s Studies Centre,  Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli!
I am pleased to invite you all for the “National Conference on Women Development in the New Millennium – A Way forwardon 28th February 2014 organized by Women’s Studies Centre, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.    

The selected research papers will be published with ISBN.
We warmly look forward to your valuable participation with us at this event. 
Please circulate this mail among everyone who is interested.
Thank you