Monday, 3 March 2014

Science PG: Fast Publication

Dear Professor,
Science Publishing Group is an independent international publisher of 100+ open access, online, peer-reviewed journals which have almost 10 proposed special issues and 10 going-to-be-published books, covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
Nowadays, we are actively providing a fast publication:
1.         Authors can get the review result that whether the paper can be published or not within 15 days;
2.         Accepted papers can be published within 25 days.
Science PG publish papers in a wide range of categories, such as: Biology and Life Sciences, Physics; Chemistry & Materials; Computer Science & Communications; Mathematics & Statistics; Medicine, Health & Food Science; Energy & Environmental Science and all other categories. You can pay visit to our website to have a look:
If you are interested in publishing your papers within a short time, we sincerely invite you to submit your papers through our system:

Any questions, please feel free to contact us by:

UGC-Capacity-Bldg Genetically Modified Crops - National seminar at Kerala Agricultural University

Dear All
Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Kerala Agricultural University is organizing a national seminar on 'GM Crops: Issues and Prospects' during March 17-18 2014. More than 15 renown scientists from the leading national institutes will be delivering the lead speeches. This will be a unique opportunity to understand the status of the art of genetic engineering in India.
The seminar circular is attached for your reference. Kindly register for the same and submit your abstracts of research/ concepts at the earliest. Abstracts are welcome till 28th February 2014.
Thanks and Regards
Dr. Seeja Thomachan Panjikkaran
Assistant Professor (Food & Nutrition)
KVK (Kerala Agricultural University)
KAU Post, Thrissur, Kerala State - 680 656