Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Monday, 23 September 2013

List of Economics Journals

Sl. No
Name of the Journal
Kisan World
Rs. 200
Paid Journal
Paid Journal
Rs. 100
Paid Journal
Economic and Political Weekly
Rs. 1250
Paid Journal
Southern Economist
Rs. 1000
Paid Journal
Rs. 100
Paid Journal
Journal of Entrepreneurship
Rs. 1810
Paid Journal
International Journal of Rural Development
Rs. 1450
Paid Journal
South Asia Economic Journal
Rs. 1780
Paid Journal
Agrarian south: Journal of Political economy
Rs. 1320
Paid Journal

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

List of Commerce Journals

1.      Southern Economist
2.      Third Concept
3.      Kisan World
4.      Yojana
5.      Kurukshetra
6.      Social Welfare
7.      Indian Journal of Marketing
8.      Indian Journal of Management
9.      International Journal of Rural Development and Management Studies
10.  Vikalpa – The Journal of Decision maekers
11.  Economic & Political weekly
12.  Indian Journal of Finance

Research & Development Funding Schemes of Central Government

Research & Development Funding Schemes of Central Government Departments / Agencies Agency/Departments/Ministry

Monday, 16 September 2013

Reputed International Journal & Historical Research

  1. American Historical Review, USA
  2. Journal of American History, USA
  3. Journal of Social Science History
  4. Journal of Modern History
  5. Journal of African History
  6. Journal of British studies
  7. Comparative study of society and History
  8. Journal of Contemporary History
  9. Journal of Social History
  10. Past and Present
  11. International Review of Social History
  12. English Historical Review
  13. Journal of Inter disciplinary History
  14. European Historical Quarterly
  15. War in History  

List of Reputed Historical Research Journals

  1. The Indian Historical Review, New Delhi
  2. Journal of Indian History, Trivandrum
  3. Man and Environment, Pune
  4. History Today, New Delhi
  5. Indica, Bombai
  6. Journal of the Epigraphical society of India, Mysore
  7. Journal of the Numismatic society of India, Varanasi
  8. Bhavan’s Journal, Mumbai
  9. Studies in History, New Delhi
  10. The Indian Economic and Social History Review, New Delhi
  11. Bharati, Varanasi
  12. Shodha Patrika, Udaipur
  13. Journal of Ancient Indian History, Calcutta
  14. The Medieval History Journal
  15. Proceeding of Indian History Congress
  16. Proceedings of South Indian History Congress
  17. Proceedings of Tamil Nadu History Congress
  18. Proceedings of Rajasthan History Congress
  19. Studies in Indian Place Names, Mysore
  20. The Indian Archives, New Delhi
  21. Journal of Indian Museum, New Delhi
  22. Journal of the Asiatic society of Mumbai, Mumbai
  23. Quest Historica, Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu
  24. Indian Historical Studies Journal, Tiruchirappalli
  25. ISTORIA, Attur, Salem
  26. Mithic society journal, Mysore

Funding Agencies in Historical Seminars, Workshops, Conferences

  1. UGC, New Delhi
  1. Indian Council Historical Research (ICHR), New Delhi
  1. Institute of Historical Studies, Kolkota
  1. Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai

Sunday, 15 September 2013

List of Zoology Journals

1. Annual Review of Physiology
2. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
3. Aquaculture International › Home  Life Sciences  Ecology
4. Aquaculture Research › ... › Aquaculture Research
5. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management
6. Asian Aquaculture Magazine
7. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
8. Asian Fisheries Science
9. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic  Sciences
10.Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology
11. Discover
12. Ecology of Freshwater Fish
13.  Ecology
14. Environmental Biology of Fishes
15. Fish and Fisheries
16. Fish Farming International
17. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
18. Fisheries: American Fisheries Society
19. Fisheries Management & Ecology
20. Fisheries Science
21. Fishery Bulletin
22. Fishing News International
23. Freshwater Biology
24. Infofish International
25. ISRAELI Journal of Aquaculture
26. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
27. Journal of Applied of Aquaculture
28. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
29. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health: American                  
30. Fisheries Society
31. Journal of Bacteriology
32. Journal of Comparative Pathology
33. Journal of Crustacean Biology › Products  Journal
34. Journal of Fish Biology
35. Journal of Food Protection
36. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
37. Journal of Plankton Research
38. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society › ... › Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
39. Journal of Thermal Biology
40. Lakes and Reservoirs, Research and    Management
41. Marine Biotechnology
42. Nature
43. New Scientist
44. Proceeds of the National Academy of sciences
45. Review in Fisheries science
46. Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries
47. Science
48. Scientific American
49. Toxicon
50. Trends in Biotechnology
51. World Fishing
52. Aquaculture Engineering
53. Journal of Immunology of Methods
54. Aquaculture Reviews › ... › Reviews in Aquaculture
55. American Jr. of Agricultural Economics
56. Journal of Virology
57. Journal of Virological Methods
58. Nature Biotechnology
59. Journal of Applied Physiology
60. Journal of Animal Nutrition & Animal Physiology
61. FFMS Microbiology Reviews
62. FFMS Microbiology Ecology
63. Letters in Applied Microbiology
64. Journal of Food Protection
65. Microbiology & Molecular Biology Reviews (Asm Publication)
66. International Jr. of Food Microbiology
67. Canadian Jr. of Microbiology
68. Letters in Applied Microbiology
69. Marine Biology
70. World Jr. of Microbiology
71. Applied microbiology & biotechnology
72. Journal of marine biotechnology
73. Marine biotechnology
74. Molecular marine biology & biotechnology
75. Reviews in environmental sciences & biotechnology
76. World journal of microbiology and biotechnology
77. International Journal of Phytopharmacology
78. International Journal of Pharmacy Review and Research
79. International Journal of Biopharmaceutics
80. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Research
81. International Journal of Pharmacy & Therapeutics
82. Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology
83. International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research
84. International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Analysis
85. International Journal of Phytopharmacy Research
86. International Journal of Innovative Drug Discovery
87. International Journal of Preclinical and Pharmaceutical Research
88. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Drug Research
89. Asian journal of Pharmaceutical Research
90. International Journal of Pharmacology Research
91. Journal of Science
92. International Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
93. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Development and Technology
94. International Journal of Pharmacy
95. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
96. International Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutics
97. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
98. International Journal of Phytotherapy
99. International Journal of Experimental Pharmacology
100. International Journal of Pharmacological Screening Methods
101. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Analysis
102. International Journal of Pharmacotherapy
103. International research journal of pharmacy