Thursday, 12 September 2013

Guidelines for submission of Manuscripts

CHENNAI - 600 005.

Name of the Journals :        1. Journal of Modern Science
      2. Journal of Humanities and Social Science


Original research papers/articles are invited for publication in the journal. An abstract of the article in about 200 words must accompany the papers. The length of research papers shall  be  between  2500  and  4000  words.  However,  short  notes,  perspectives  and  lengthy papers will be published if the contents could justify.

Format of the Manuscript:

Title- Short and self explanatory

Introduction- The text of a Regular Paper should begin with a short introduction with no heading. This should state the reasons for performing the work, with brief reference to previous work on the subject. Avoid giving an extensive review of the literature

Materials and Methods-  Outline  of the study design, subject selection,  analytical methods and data analysis

Result  and  Discussion-  Bases  on  the  data  available,  statistical  significance  with suitable presentation in the form of either table or graph

Summary and Conclusion- Emphasizing new and important aspects of the study or observations

References- Superscript Arabic Numerals should cite references within the text

References  should  be  placed  at  the  end  of  the  text  and  must  complete  in  all  respects. Examples

Sanger, F., Nicklen, S., and Coulson, A.R. (1977) DNA sequencing with the chain- termination inhibitors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 5463-5467

Messing,   J.   (1983)   New   M13   vectors   for   cloning   in   Methods   in   Enzymology (Wu,  R.,Grossman,  L.,  and  Moldave,  K.,  eds.)  Vol.  101,  pp.  50-51  Academic  Press, New York

All articles are, as a rule, referred to experts in the subjects concerned. Those recommended by the referees alone will be published in the Journal after appropriate editing.

No article shall be sent for publication in the Journal if it is currently being reviewed by any other  Journal  or  press  or  if  it  has  already  been  published  or  will  be  published elsewhere.

Submission of article does not guarantee publication.

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