(ISSN: 2319-9857)
(Print and Online)
(Print and Online)
Invitation for Res Rev J Agri Allied Sci Volume 3 Issue
We are
delighted to invite Eminent Scientists, Academicians and Researchers to submit
their original research articles for publication Research & Reviews:
Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences (e-ISSN:2319 – 9857, p-ISSN:
2347-226X) an International journal publishing (Print and Online) Quarterly on
the aspect of Agriculture and its Allied feilds for an effective scientific
reading and public view with an aim to reach the world wide researchers.
The submitted manuscript will be reviewed by
our journal expert reviewers and status will be intimated within 07 days.
The manuscript would be considered under the specific branches of
Agriculture and Allied Sciences
Chemistry of
pesticides, veterninary drugs
Plant growth
toxicology and environmental safe
sericulture, fishery sciences
Soil science
Biotechnology, engineering, meteorology, economics and farm managements
& Agricultural Chemistry
Crop Physiology
Plant Breeding
& Genetics
Plant Pathology
Animal Anatomy,
Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Microbiology
Parasitology, Infectious diseases, clinical sciences
Alternative veterinary
medicines and biomedical fields
If any queries
please mail to info@rroij.com
For Submission
of your manuscript please mail to editor@rroij.com
With regards
Res Rev J Agric Allied Sci
Res Rev J Agric Allied Sci
Mr. Jiban Shrestha, Scientist, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Nepal has joined and worked as Associate Editor of Research & Reviews : Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences (ISSN: E 2347-226X, P 2319-9857). The publisher of this journal was Shastri Education Trust®. Now the website of this journal has been changed and owned by OMICS International.