Saturday, 19 October 2013

Scholars Research Library Journals

Open Access Journals

 Dear Professors/Researchers/Colleagues

The Scholars Research Library Journals welcome the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. The following types of papers are considered for publication

·         Review Articles
·         Original Research articles
·         Short Communication

SRL Journals indexed/Abstracted in
Open J Gate, Genamics, Google Scholar, ISA ( Indian Science Abstracts ), CAS Database (Chemical Abstract Services), CABI (UK), Index Copernicus, Hinari, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Botanical Pesticides, Weed Abstracts, AgBiotechNet, VetMed Resource, Crop Physiology Abstracts, Agroforestry Abstracts, Helminthological Abstracts, Ornamental Horticulture, Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts, Pig News and Information, Dairy Science Abstracts, Agricultural Economics Database, Parasitology Database, CAB Abstracts, Zoological Record, Postharvest News and Information, Nutrition and Food Sciences Database, Organic Research Database , Global Health , ABC Chemistry, Science Central, SCIMAGO,

 Coverage Area
Annals of Biological ResearchThomsonreuters covered
(Zoological Record)
(12 Issues/Year)
Agric. Engineering & Technology, Agronomy, Anatomy, Behaviour, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Biometry, Biosciences, Biomechanics, Psychology, Botany, Cell Biology, Clinical Sciences, Conservation & Management of Ecosystems, Crop Sciences, Cytology, Development & Differentiation, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Evolutionary biology, Fisheries and Aqua – Sciences, Food and Nutrition Sciences, Forestry, Genetics, Horticultural Sciences, Human biology and Science, Human Exercise Physiology, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Morphology, Pathology, Pest, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Physiology, Plant Breeding, Soil Sciences, Special Cultivation Technology, Stress Breeding, Taxonomy and Veterinary Sciences.

Der Pharma Chemica (SCOPUS)
(6 Issues/Year)
Chemical Sciences, Medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and computational chemistry.
Der Pharmacia Lettre (SCOPUS)
(6 Issues/Year)
All fields of pharmaceutical sciences like pharmaceutics & industrial pharmacy, pharmaceutical & medicinal chemistry, pharmacology & toxicology, phytopharmacy & medicine, hospital & clinical pharmacy, pharmacognosy & phytochemistry, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical microbiology & biotechnology including biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, computational chemistry & molecular modeling/drug
design, pharmacoinformatics, chemoinformatics, pharmacogenomics and pharmacovigilance.
European Journal of Zoological Research
Thomsonreuters covered
(Zoological Record)
(6 Issues/Year)
European Journal of Zoological Research publishes original research articles in the field of Anatomy, Anthropology, Anthrozoology, Apiology, Arachnology, Arthropodology, Behaviour, Cetology Conchology, Developmental biology, Ecology, Entomology, Ethology, genetics, Helminthology, Herpetology, Ichthyology, Malacology, Mammalogy, Molecular biology, Morphology, Myrmecology, Nematology, Neuroethology, Ornithology, Paleozoology, Parasitology, Physiology, Planktology, Primatology, Reproductive biology, Systematics and evolution, Zoogeography, Zoosemiotics and all other related disciplines.
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research
(6 Issues/Year)
Applied Biochemistry, Applied Microbiology Bacteriology, Bioactive Compounds and Chemical Biology, Biocatalysis Technology, Biochemistry, Biodiversity, Biomedical Sciences, Bioprocess Engineering, Botany and Plant Sciences, Cell Physiology, Cellular Microbiology, Clinical Microbiology, Endocrinology, Entomology, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Microbiology, Enzymology and Enzyme Engineering, Fermentation Technology, Food and Agricultural Technologies, Food Biotechnology, Food Microbiology, Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics, Immunology, Industrial Microbiology, Infection and Immunity, Medical Microbiology, Metabolic Engineering, Microbial Ecology, Microbial Structure and Function, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Microbiology, Mycology, Parasitology, Physiology and Metabolism, Plant and Animal Cell Cultures, Plant Pathology, Probiotics and Prebiotics, Protozoology, Soil and Environmental Sciences, Toxicology, Virology, Zoology and all other related areas.
Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources
(6 Issues/Year)
Agronomy, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Cell biology, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Developmental Biology, Ecology, Entomology, Genetics and Genomics, Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology, Ethnoveterinary, Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Horticulture, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Morphology, Pest Management, Phylogeny, Phylogeography, Physiology, Phytochemistry, Plant Breeding, Plant Genetics, Plant Pathology, Plant Production Systems, Systems Biology, Taxonomy, Weed Science and all other related areas.
Archives of Applied Science Research
(6 Issues/Year)
aspects of applied sciences like Agricultural & Soil, Animal & Veterinary, Biological, Forensic, Marine, Petroleum & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Polymer, Medical, Biomedical Materials, Chemical Physics, Computational Chemistry, Food & Food Industry, Marine Technology, Medical Technology, Medicine Research, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Drugs, Textile Industry & Fabrics etc.
Archives of Physics Research
(6 Issues/Year)
Astrophysics, Atmospheric & Space Physics, Atomic & Molecular Physics, Biophysics, Condensed Matter & Materials Physics, General and Cross-disciplinary Physics (including foundations), Mathematical and Computational Physics, Nanoscience, Nonlinear Dynamics & Complex Systems, Nuclear Physics, Optical Physics, Optics & Spectroscopy, Particle Physics, Physics of Plasma Condensed Matter, Relativity & Cosmology, Statistical Physics and Theoretical Physics
Journal of Computational Methods in Molecular Design
(4 Issues/Year)
Bioinformatics, Biological Chemistry, Biomolecular Structure Prediction, Chemical Database Development, Chemoinformatics, Combinatorial Chemistry, Computational Medicinal Chemistry, Computer and Molecular Graphics, Computer-Aided Molecular Design, Data Analysis, De Novo Ligand Design, Density Functional Theory,Drug Design, General Structure-Property Relationships Homology Modeling, Inorganic Chemistry, Modeling of Biological Reaction Mechanisms, Molecular Design, Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Mechanics,  Molecular Modeling, Organic Chemistry, Protein Engineering, Quantitative Structural Activity Relationship (QSAR and QSPR), Rational Drug Design, Receptor Modeling and Docking, Simulation of Peptides, Statistical Mechanics, Theoretical Chemistry, Visualization, Mining and all other related areas. 
European Journal of Applied engineering & Scientific Research
(4 Issues/Year)
All disciplines of basic science and  engineering sciences and technology
European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science
(4 Issues/Year)
The journal invites original papers, review articles, technical reports and short communications containing new insight into any aspect of Sport sciences that are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere.
Central European Journal of Experimental Biology
(4 Issues/Year)
Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Agronomy, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Biometry, Biosciences, Botany, Cell Biology, Chronobiology, Clinical Sciences, Comparative Physiology, Conservation & Management of Ecosystems, Crop Sciences, Cytology, Development & Differentiation, Developmental Biology, Ecology, Endocrinology, Environmental Sciences, Evolutionary biology, Fisheries and Aqua Sciences, Food and Nutrition Sciences, Forestry,  Genetics,  Genetic Engineering, Horticultural Sciences,  Human biology, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology,  Morphology, Pathology,  Pest, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Plant Breeding, Radiation biology, Reproductive Biology, Soil Sciences, Special Cultivation Technology, Stress Breeding, Taxonomy and Veterinary Sciences, Toxicology and all other related disciplines.

For further information like:
·         To submit your valuable research work for publication
·         To be honorary editorial/Advisory board member
·         Instruction to Authors

 Please visit us at: 

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