Tuesday, 3 December 2013

DEAR sir/madam,
Kindly respond to the Call for paper Volume I Issue IV December  2013(IJELLH -ISSN 2321-7065).
International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities
The scholar will get an ISO 9001:2008 certification with Norwegian Accreditation.
Please find the attachment which covers all the details related to the research paper.
You can log on   ijellh@gmail.com  or  contact@ijellh.com  for further detail. This is a reminder for sending the paper– December 10, 2013.

Author‘s Guideline
Authors are requested to strictly follow the bellow mentioned submission guidelines:
1.      A manuscript must be plagiarism free and original.
2.      The paper sent for publication has not been published elsewhere or under review for any other journal.
3.     IJELLH is restricted to the disciplines of English language, Literature and Humanities Education only. Therefore, a paper written in other areas will not be accepted.
4.  Humanities contains all the subjects of Social Sciences such as Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Social Work, Philosophy, Public Administration, Economics, Management, HR , History etc. 
(Humanities research papers can be submitted in Hindi language also.)
5.      The text is written only in Times New Roman in 12 point font and 1.5 lines spaced.
6.      The research paper should normally range between 3000-5000 words.
7.       The research paper should include the author (s) name, qualification and affiliation after the title.
8.       All figures, images, tables of the manuscript should be embedded into the original text only.
9.       References of the research paper should be made in 7th edition Modern Language Association (MLA) style.
10.    Research paper fee will be the same for one or more than one authors.
 Warm regards.
 Visit website www.ijellh.com
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